OPEN Virtual offer
One of our generous supporters has provided us with an “Open Offer” meaning you do not have to be a current Co-op member.
Virtual lessons or contact with your patrons, clients or students.
There are two options available:
- One Free – record a class, lesson or contact and stream via their service to your group, schedule or on demand.
Podcast options available – you can talk to your audience with no visuals.
Please note *time limits may apply- ie one hour recording or up to 200 mb stream
- One Paid – purchase a service and run it live, record and interact with your group, schedule, on demand, paid or free access to your group.
You would need:
- access to the internet
- a recording device, may be Phone, Video, Webcam
- Podcast options are available – no camera required.
- a channel or stream available to broadcast (this can be supplied if you do not have one)
- ability to schedule a time-frame to test the system before going live
- ability to schedule a time to access the system
please email
programs @ re Virtual offer
Note: No costs or charges involved to inquire.