Become a supporter and receive benefits that make you want to dance.
Fill out the online form today – Depending on where you are located there are numerous personal benefits.
To assist with the contact less world at present, discount at venues etc are not practical so to support the dance community.
From October 2021 – you will receive a Hotel savings card to assist the wider community for your $30 supporter subscription, valid for 12 months
You can request store vouchers to your favourite venue, supplier, gifts and more.
Looking to renew – click here
Looking to become a Co-op member use the form below
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Use your rewards card, be invited to special dances or occasions, win prizes all the while helping to reinvigorate the next generation of dancers and dance musicians – both social and competitive.
Offshore supporters gain access to a range of discounts, access competitions and an array of other personal benefits.
Who knew helping could gain so much value
How things have changed in such a short time
(Recreational Structured Partner Dancing) known as RSPD
In early October 2020 a revision was put forth by the Approved DPPA Industry Plan authors in relation to “social dance” , this will likely see “social” now be referred to as “RSPD” as a safeguard, to ensure we are distinct from any other form of freestyle/social/dance eg: nightclubs.
The Exclusive RSPD offer is intended to assist with compliance and allow all participants to have a streamlined option to access.
All Industry plans were revoked in July 2021
Some operators are still referring to RSPD, as we all try and make our way through this and some have returned to Social or specifics like OT/NV English Sequenced, Rock and Roll
Whichever wording, we are still here.