Member Benefits
Access to a varied range of coupons, specials, discounts and services exclusive to 4 Ballroom Dance Co-op members by members.
Use the enquiry form, (the question mark below) leave us a voice message using the tab on the right to find out more about becoming a member or supporter
In 2024 one of our generous community partners has provided two thousand and twenty four getaways.
Simply join or renew your SUPPORTER CLUB $30 membership before they are all gone to receive one
Direct deposit to
4 Ballroom Co-op Ltd
Bank – Bendigo
BSB – 633000
Acc# – 156 574 923
and email or wait till the club data is updated (weekly) and you will receive your link to choose your preferred reward option…
If you are new to join, simply fill in this form when you make your payment and return via email.
MEMBER ageless program DISCOUNT cost $12-$15pp into a range of programs including DancSing and TherapARTy which are normally $20pp
Rewards – varied 4 Ballroom Dance operators provided a range of supporter or member only options
4Ballroom Co-op Social dance specials – Subsidised for supporters
Event planning
Fundraising options via a wide variety of popular and productive options: from books and cards (great for schools and community organisations) to events.
Hair & Makeup
Travel and accommodation – real time deals
Become a 4 Ballroom Dance Co-op “Supporter Club Member” and gain all the benefits ……
$30 membership provides you with a rewards card (value ^ $100)
Plus a range of benefits and stewardship rewards.
Who knew giving could gain so much….