Whatever position you are in that generates dance be it a convener, supplier, teacher, dancer or other, there is a solution for you here.
A myriad of options to assist with operations.
You can become a Co-op member to access full benefits or purchase your choice of access to the invaluable resources to assist with a productive outcome.
MUSIC – play, licensing, royalties – more information This relates to everyone in the dance or dance related field
COSTS – a range of assistance options to alleviate the cost of operating
PROMOTION – across the spectrum (when you are part of an insulated niche you need support and promotion to thrive)
PROGRAMS – be part of the stewardship provision for the next generation – there are so many areas you can assist no matter what your qualifications, time or abilities, the next generation needs you, and the Co-op will utilise any and all time given gratefully to its most productive outcome, any time at all is a vast help.
Find out more:
Teachers see here
Convenors see here
Suppliers see here
Like most things confusion can become a game of “Chinese whispers” ending up in conversations about “pigs and pokes” that have no relevance to the actual process. We are here and more than happy to clarify anything you are unclear about 🙂