Radio Ad

If you have reached this page, you have been invited to record a FREE radio ad.
or you may upload a Radio Jingle using the form below.
You are entitled to a general ad for every venue you operate from.
You may have anyone record the ad or ads for you,
You may have numerous patrons record in the opinion category
You may provide an ad or snippet in more than one category.

This recording will be on a live 24 hour Dance radio stream.  Its easy and you can complete it in your own time and do as many takes as required before you press send.

(note you may record anything of your choosing for a FAMILY BASED AUDIENCE)
It tends to be quicker if you jot down up to 70 words and speak them out loud before recording.

If you are stuck, below are some generalised options that are being used:-

– a 30 second snippet (aprox 70 words)  eg: Hi my name is xxxx and we would love you to come visit us to XXXX learn to dance, enjoy a social etc XXXX  we are located at xxx and have a session every xxx other details etc..

When you next travel through XXXX come visit us at XXX for a great XXXX

Did you know a whisk requires XXXX execution.  If you would like to learn more about figures and XXXX and you are located in the XXX area, come visit XXX every XXXX
Did you know you can xxxxx  at one of our dances, XXXX

The who what where why of your dancing or musical preferences. 
Hi I’m XXXX I love listening to Radio 4 Play, I go dancing at  XXXX – XXXX times a week, month. I think XXXX is great for XXXX and makes me feel XXXX
Hi I’m XXXX I love listening to Radio 4 Play, I have played music  at  XXXX – XXXX times a week, month. I think XXXX is XXXX
You can check out some of the other topics folks have used here 

Hi my name is XXXX and I love to go dancing at XXXXXX
Hi my name is XXX and I have had a great time learning to dance with XXXX
I love dancing to the music of XXXX

My name is XXXX and I’ve been playing music since XXXX I got into dance music XXXX Enjoy XXXX
You can see us/me play live at XXXX every XXXX

My name is XXXX I have really enjoyed the XXXX program, its has XXXX and I will XXXX etc

Hi XXX can you tell us how long you have been learning/ dancing at XXXX What achievements XXXX

PLEASE click on the RECORD tab below and begin, there is no cost involved and you may redo until you are happy before you send.
Please enter your Directory phone EXTension number  or your actual phone number  when you send, so we can match off Operators.


Simply Press the RECORD button to start recording. Stop then playback before saving or rerecording. The timer will count down -, once you start recording. Subject to approval, it will be aired at a suitable time. Thanks so much for being part of the community.



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