Competitive Sport

15 real things about dancing:
1. Dance is hard. No dancer has excelled in the ring based on talent. Dancers are top artists and athletes and in a world that appreciates extreme sports talent alone can’t bring you much success. Athletes need hard work and perseverance to reach and maintain on the highest stage of the podium.
2. You won’t always get what you want. You won’t always be in the first place, you won’t participate in all the competitions you want, you won’t learn that cool choreography whenever you want, you won’t hear the compliments you want, you won’t make that much money As many as you want. These disappointments teach you to be humble and have respect for the learning process, for the art you practice and for teachers who help you.
There are many things you don’t know. The learning process never ends for a dancer. Even the teacher you like least can provide valuable information for our dance. The moment you think you know everything, you’re no longer valuable as a dancer.
There may not be tomorrow. A dancer never knows when his career is going to end, that’s why it’s good that every time you dance (whether you’re in a competition, whether you’re in the saa of training) to do it with passion and joy.
5. are things you can’t control. Who likes you, who doesn’t like you, the policy of the club you belong to, the decision of the judges in competitions. Don’t waste your energy and energy worrying about things you can’t change. Focus on what you do, to become as good as you can be. Keep your mind open and optimistic attitude always.
6. Information is not science. Knowledge accumulates with experience. You can talk one step a hundred times, you can see it a thousand times, but until you execute it simply you will have nothing but a philosophical understanding of dance. You have to be on the floor, experience the first line of success and defeat before you can call yourself a professional dancer.
7. to be successful prove your value. Try to be indispensable to your partner, come on time to practice, don’t miss, prepare thoroughly and always be ready to work hard.
8. Someone will always be better than you. Instead of wasting your time with drama, focusing on what other people do, focus on the things you’re good at, the things you have to work on and things that bring you joy when you dance.
9. You can’t change the past. Dancing is an art that compels you to focus on the present; the moment your mind is no longer focused on what you do the technique disappears and worse, you can get hurt.
You answer your happiness. Dancing alone can’t bring you happiness. The Root of this feeling comes from the relationship with yourself and not the amount of money you win, the trophies you win or the pairs you train. Of course, these things have an important effect on the mood but, after all, who you are and what you are makes you happy.
11. Will always be people who don’t like you. The dancers are exposed to criticism, and whatever you do, there will be people to criticize you. Do what you think is right and what you feel is right. Finally, what you think of yourself is most important.
12. Sometimes you fail. Failure is a part of life and can be the catalyst for extraordinary periods of growth and learning. Failure is what makes success so precious so when it happens to you, embrace experience and try to draw as many teachings as possible.
13. Rehearsal is the mother of. It’s true, the more you practice one thing, the better you can handle it. So make sure you don’t miss any training and try to repeat it as often as possible. Home, street, school, office. Even if you do it mentally, try to train your mind to think in dance steps.
14. To do the same thing always, waiting for a different result is madness. When you make the minimum possible at practice, don’t complain to the teacher because you’re not moving up. If you want to grow beyond your comfort zone, get over the physical and mental limitations you’ve imposed on yourself.
15. You will never be ready 100%. Dancers must take risks. From Adjusting with a new dance partner and to the attempt of several new styles, dancers must have an open mind and flexible attitude. Great opportunities occur when you don’t expect, which means you’ll never feel ready to take advantage of them. Take your chances and see where you end up.
Taken from the Competitive dance world community in Romania.