Luna Park Gardens 1940

Did you know it was a woman who created the masterful gardens?
Luna Park Gardens Taking Shape
Even an experienced landscape gardener might pause at the difficulties at making a garden and terraces from the clay surface of Montpellier Hill, but Mrs. T H Eslick, wife of the managing director of Luna Park, Brisbane, Ltd.) who is in charge of the grounds is undeterred, and already attractive surroundings are making their appearance.
Mrs. Eslick, who is an American by birth, began gardening as a hobby, but when she found that the designing and planning of the grounds of her
husband’s amusement parks could be left to her, she studied agriculture at an American college.
At Luna Park, her husband’s latest venture, Mrs.Eslick has erected a glasshouse below the windows of the ballroom, where the dancers may admire lovely blooms growing under glass. For those visitors to the park who prefer to walk rather than use the Alpine railway, she has made an attractive covered-in path ornamented on each side ‘ with terraced gardens, planted with Queensland shrubs and trees.
At Luna Park, her husband’s latest venture, Mrs.Eslick has erected a glasshouse below the windows of the ballroom, where the dancers may admire lovely blooms growing under glass. For those visitors to the park who prefer to walk rather than use the Alpine railway, she has made an attractive covered-in path ornamented on each side ‘ with terraced gardens, planted with Queensland shrubs and trees.
There is room for 5000 dancers In the pinky-beige ballroom, which will be officially opened on August 2, with Miss Minty Barry, as social hostess. The gallery which will seat 3000 people, leads on to a balcony, and the view from here gives the ballroom building its name of ‘Cloudland.’
Excerpt from times gone by. July 1940
Like so many treasures, memories fade as time goes by, please don’t let it be lost.