
the Paul Jones Mixer Dance
Introduced into the Australian dance scene in 1920 The Mixer Dances were being created to enlist a break from tradition. A fun way to change partners and ensure even the most demure could take part in dancing with new people. the local Qld News introduced the fun dance as such…

Dance Card History
Times gone by - when a lady was booked for dance and a gentleman was penciled in. Terms we still use today, although the actual dance booking practise is no longer widely in use. Historically significant, the dance card originated in the eighteenth century. The physical item was initially in…

Norm and Nancy Berg
In 1949 a young couple met in Brisbane at dance classes, which were a very popular pastime. Norman had an eye for Nancy McGovern who had a family nickname of "bumble foot", so they practiced together as a dance couple, becoming dance partners.They were engaged a year or so later…

What is New Vogue Dancing?
New Vogue dance is an adaption of old time dance that is uniquely Australian. In the early 1930s the Australian culture was seeking new ways to find joy, some very dedicated people developed a unique flavour of dance that is still enjoyed today.Gentlemen like Pat Hynes who through sheer tenacity…

The Co-op has been given a gift
The dance community thanks Noel Bishop once again for his kind and unwavering support of the Dance Community. Now that Noel has completed his Dance review for local dancers, ensuring it is battle tested :) The Dance Script can now be downloaded here The CO-OP Waltz BARS 1 to 16…

1938 Hints for Ballroom Dance Competitors
Avoid too many variations. The noted English ballroom professional, Henry Jacques, gave the following useful hints to dance competitors whilst in Australia. Now that competitions are in full swing, this expert advice is timely. All competitor, amateur or professionals should Include at least 75 per cent of the basic figures in all dances. states Mr. Jacques.…

The Trocadero
The Trocadero which opened in 1923 was arguably the most popular dance venue in Qld for around 25 years. With all the top champions competing at this venue and on all non-regular dance nights, the hall was booked out for months in advance for Balls and other functions. Lovingly known as…

Aubery Panton – A lifetime of dance
Aubrey Panton, known as Aub was a QLD based Dance Teacher who like so many others dedicated his life to dance. Born in 1909 Aub was a community-minded person that enjoyed helping in so many ways: 1924 Aubrey became a Boy Scout Leader and Later (1955) a District Commissioner 1927…

Presentation of New Vogue Dances
Everything old is new again. While the same comments can be heard at dances today as noted in 1943, the sentiment still reflects the differences that we as the dance community collective enjoy. Some folks love the latest, new, keep learning, always changing. Some folks are content knowing their favourite…

The Orchards – A lifetime of dance
Well known and well loved couple Dick and Noela Orchard commenced their dance life as most folks did, on the dancefloor. The Sunday Mail dated September 1949 reads in part: Mr. and . Mrs. Orchard met at J. Sandy Robertson's dancing studio, and were married a few months ago. Mr.…