
The Trocadero
The Trocadero which opened in 1923 was arguably the most popular dance venue in Qld for around 25 years. With all the top champions competing at this venue and on all non-regular dance nights, the hall was booked out for months in advance for Balls and other functions. Lovingly known as…

Hibernian Hall
The Hibernian Hall, located at Woolloongabba, Brisbane QLD Featured Gordon Reids' Dansonians Band with Aub Panton as M.C. The hall had not been used as a dance hall for many years so when Gordon put forth a proposal to Aub Panton to start a Saturday night dance, he agreed. The…

Aubery Panton – A lifetime of dance
Aubrey Panton, known as Aub was a QLD based Dance Teacher who like so many others dedicated his life to dance. Born in 1909 Aub was a community-minded person that enjoyed helping in so many ways: 1924 Aubrey became a Boy Scout Leader and Later (1955) a District Commissioner 1927…

Presentation of New Vogue Dances
Everything old is new again. While the same comments can be heard at dances today as noted in 1943, the sentiment still reflects the differences that we as the dance community collective enjoy. Some folks love the latest, new, keep learning, always changing. Some folks are content knowing their favourite…

Competitive Sport
15 real things about dancing: 1. Dance is hard. No dancer has excelled in the ring based on talent. Dancers are top artists and athletes and in a world that appreciates extreme sports talent alone can't bring you much success. Athletes need hard work and perseverance to reach and maintain…

Luna Park Gardens 1940
Did you know it was a woman who created the masterful gardens? Luna Park Gardens Taking Shape Even an experienced landscape gardener might pause at the difficulties at making a garden and terraces from the clay surface of Montpellier Hill, but Mrs. T H Eslick, wife of the managing director of…

The Orchards – A lifetime of dance
Well known and well loved couple Dick and Noela Orchard commenced their dance life as most folks did, on the dancefloor. The Sunday Mail dated September 1949 reads in part: Mr. and . Mrs. Orchard met at J. Sandy Robertson's dancing studio, and were married a few months ago. Mr.…

Ageless Community Awareness
A very big thank you to the stewards and supporters who gave time to provide a friendly face to hand out some info and chat to folks who were interested in the Ageless pastime, passion or profession Enjoy for life... campaigns which are currently rolling out across QLD Some of…

“Samba” – Full Lecture by Riccardo & Yulia
Every dancer who ever tried samba knows, that it is one of the hardest dances to get ingrained into your body. Here is a 7-part full lecture with Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko, for those who need more basic information (or a re-visit) on this Brazilian subject matter. …

The building of Luna Park Cloudland 1939 Brisbane.
The anticipated build and opening was held up (opening August 2nd1940) due to unexpected delays with excavation, but the intent remained fast. LUNA PARK TO OPEN ON JULY 19 Cloudland Ballroom a Tribute to the Architect's (Mr Adolphus Parry Fielder who passed away in Brisbane on November 10th 1982 aged 101)…