
Matt Lominga
Matt Lominga and his dance partner Miss Maisie Foggit were one of the main starters of Ballroom Dance in Queensland. Opening a studio in the late 1920s and committing to teach and compete along with their students helped to build the enthusiasm which saw the dance community thrive. noted by Aub Panton in…

The Queensland Society of Dancing
The Queensland Society of Dancing is the oldest Ballroom Dance Society in Qld. The Society came into existence on the 15th of March 1935 when a group of Brisbane Dance Teachers met in the Ballroom of the Carlton Cabaret, Queen Street Brisbane to form the nucleus of the Society. Present at that…

The Co-op has been given a gift
The dance community thanks Noel Bishop once again for his kind and unwavering support of the Dance Community. Now that Noel has completed his Dance review for local dancers, ensuring it is battle tested :) The Dance Script can now be downloaded here The CO-OP Waltz BARS 1 to 16…

Riverside Ballroom
The Riverside Ballroom located at Newfarm in Qld was built for the Naval Officers of the USA as an R&R Club following the Coral Sea Battle May 1942, the Midway Island conflict in June and eventually Japan. Hence its proximity to the river. At the peak of the 1944 war, there were…

International Influencers Latin technique
At the DBDC we honored a world dance “Icon,” the man that changed the look and feel of Latin American Ballroom dancing around the world, to what it is today, Mr. Robert Medeiros. This Modest-Looking Perpetual Trophy is way, way more than meets the eye. The Bob Medeiros Memorial Professional…

Cloudland memories
I have tapped out a few lines (phew!) to share my Cloudland memories … CLOUDLAND The Gordon Clan have a long association with Cloudland Ballroom. Around 1947, my Mother, as a single woman in her early 20’s, visited there of a Saturday night with a group of friends and her…

Olympic Year Australasian Dance Champions – Old Time and Modern
Twas 1956 and the world was looking to Australia staging the Olympics for the first time. Postwar, travel, the introduction of the latest "fad" being television, communication and all made for a very exciting time of promise... Enter couples from all over Australia, practise, dedication and determination. Olympic year Australasian…

Noel Bishop Qld Dance
You don't have to spend too long speaking with Noel to realise you are in the presence of quiet confidence, the kind that comes from knowing your achievements and not having to flaunt them in any way. A gentleman who is amiable, has a ready sense of humor and offers…

1938 Hints for Ballroom Dance Competitors
Avoid too many variations. The noted English ballroom professional, Henry Jacques, gave the following useful hints to dance competitors whilst in Australia. Now that competitions are in full swing, this expert advice is timely. All competitor, amateur or professionals should Include at least 75 per cent of the basic figures in all dances. states Mr. Jacques.…

Dance Medal Introduction 1939
In Brisbane today, the general public's of the opinion that modern ballroom dancing is of the same complicated "jazzy" steps performed ten years ago. There are still many people who term modern ballroom dancing "Jazz." This Is an erroneous impression, gained by people who do not understand the simplicity and…